I get teary-eyed now
sitting here
reading other people's words
and looking backward.
And that's what it really is, then
isn't it?
Looking backward.
Backward looking.
To a time and even a place
that is gone
forever gone away.
smoke and dust and memories
You know what I'm on about.
You, with the playa mud still caked
on your old, ratty sneakers
They warned you, didn't they?
It never comes off
that dust and mud.
Once you get it on you
it stays and stays.
And if it starts to wear thin,
almost disappeared,
you know it's time.
And you're going to put those sneakers on again
And you know these tears too, then
don't you?
Crying for a home that we shared
even though we've probably never met.

Elwing - 9/12/2000