To the question of family...

Just as Black Rock City has become our "hometown", our campmates have become an immediate, albeit ephemeral, family unit to us, reunited annually for a week...then back to our "real world" lives.

Want to read a short family history?

But it's not just the immediate family. Every year we meet new people, neighbors and friends who become part of that family experience...even if only for a week. And there are always especially memorable individuals. In 1998, there was Mo, as well as Stephanie and Mannie. In 1998 we also met our Swiss friends for the first time, whose names I always swear I want to remember... but always end up forgetting. They have returned every year, and we actually were priviledged to be visited by them again this year.

In 1999, it was the guys from "Bean Camp" with their bullhorn and "socially unacceptable" sound effects.

And this year, Ramon camped right next door to us at 5:00 and Sex Drive.

Ramon's energy and humor accented our experience this year in several ways. More than once, his visits left me nearly incapacitated with laughter and a heightened sense of the absurd. He's back in Austin, TX now, and we sure miss him.

Ramon came equipped for playa fashion. Move your mouse over the image for another taste of his special stylings!

Ramon, you Vamp!


I think you're starting to get it. Do you think so? Keep looking, then. Go on.


Wanna see some links?

Check out other years:


JOIN the Ring!