2002 Deer Hunting Journal-I enjoyed keeping a journal of last year's deer hunting. I haven't really put in much useful information (like weather, moon phase, etc.), but in the B-zones, the weather is fairly constant... HOT, DRY, and sunny. Also, I know this section could really use some pictures. Some technical complications have separated my working computer from the one with my camera software, so I'm sort of at a loss right now. Hopefully, I'll square this away soon. I'm also taking some shots with the 35mm, and will scan any that have relevance. Of course, if I get lucky this year, I'll have pictures one way or the other. |
I drew B-zone and G-1 tags for this season. Since I am also hunting archery for the first time this year, I'll be able to hunt from 08/17 through 11/03. As you can see, the end of the B-zone and the beginning of G-1 will overlap. I'll straighten this out as the time comes closer, and I decide where I'll be hunting. |
Saturday, 8/31 1700 - Well, I didn't really expect to hunt this weekend, but of course the fever is on me. I spent the first part of the day at the ranch, playing with Mim and the horses, then bolted for the hills. I can hunt this evening and tomorrow, and will then head home and spend Labor Day with the family. Is that a compromise? I don't know, but it works for me. I forgot my watch this weekend, so I can't keep up with the times. I hiked in, determined to go on into the apple orchard. That seems to be the best afternoon/evening hunt so far. There's a ridge I'd like to hunt in the evenings, but I think I'll leave that spot alone until Kat gets out here. I'll let her set up there. As I reach the edge of the old orchard (there are only a couple of live apple trees left...not much of an orchard anymore), I see that there are several active beds in the green stuff. The deer are definitely still using this area. Evening comes on uneventfully. With only a few minutes of shooting time left, I pick up my gear and stand to leave. As I turn, I see a spike buck standing less than ten yards away. I'm not sure if he had come and bedded behind me, or if he was on the way across the meadow when I stood, but he's managed to get right up to me without a sound. Amazing how they do that. I freeze, and it seems that he hasn't really noticed me. He walks right past me, moving within five yards or less as he goes, then starts browsing the creek edges. I wait until he drops into the bottom, out of sight, and then slip off trying not to spook him. I'll be back in the morning, and hopefully catch them coming into these beds. Sunday, 9/01 04:15- That alarm is a nuisance. At first I resist getting out of the comfort of the air mattress and sleeping bags, but the memory of those deer beds and all that fresh sign drive me up and out. The moon is pretty bright, even though it's getting smaller. I have a feeling the deer are already moving, so I eat in a hurry and gear up. I head back in to hunt the orchard again this morning. It's quiet along the trail, and I'm hoping that maybe the deer aren't active yet. But, as soon as I slip into the orchard, I hear the thrashing and blowing of a whole herd of deer bailing out of the bedding area. I curse quietly, but decide to go ahead and set up in my spot. Maybe something will come on in later. The sun is now well up, and I'm guessing it's around 0900. It's getting hot, fast. I'm eating a breakfast bar when I hear a single shot. That was fairly close. From where I'm sitting, it sounds like a rifle, and I get pissed. I imagine some jerk poaching along these seldom patrolled roads. A few minutes later, though, I hear a second shot. This time I recognize a small-bore shotgun, maybe a 20 ga., and remember that dove season opens today. So someone else is in the valley with me. I finally decide to get up and go see where they're hunting. The doves were thick in here back in June, but they have almost all cleared out already. There hasn't been anymore shooting. As I exit the orchard, I see two figures up on the road... a man and a small boy. Oh well, if they're gonna hunt the area there won't be much point trying to bow hunt for a while. I go up to meet them. It turns out to be someone I had met virtually, from Jesse's Hunting and Outdoors, a hunting discussion board and website. He and his son were out poking around, scouting and dove hunting and just spending time together. I thought that was cool. Their dove hunting wasn't very productive, but the kid was having a ball. We chatted for a while, and when he realized I was bow hunting in the canyon, he walked back out with me to the trailhead. That was pretty cool too, although I doubt he would have hurt the deer hunting if he'd stayed. I decided to drive up and check out a trail that led into Snow Mountain Wilderness. I had always wanted to hike in and see what it looked like, so I thought this would be a good opportunity. I hadn't counted on the heat, though. When I parked the truck, I noticed that it was already 95 degrees at only 1030. Still, I shouldered my backpack and bow and started up the trail. By the time I reached the top of the ridge, I was dying. The trees had all burned, and there was zero shade. The heat was baking straight down on me, and reflecting back up from the red dust and rocks. I know how a pizza feels in a woodfired oven. I turned around and headed back to the truck. It was time to head down to the creek for a swim, then lunch and a nap. And that's exactly what I did. Even down by the creek it was hot, so I put my folding chair right in the water and kicked back. This worked well, and I woke up a couple of hours later feeling pretty danged good. I swam a little more, dried off, and went back to the truck to check the time. 1530 - Time to head back to the trailhead and get ready for the evening hunt. After flipping several mental coins, I decided to go back to the orchard one more time. I'll keep this short. I hunted the orchard until near dark, and nothing moved at all. I figured they were moving later, after the moon came up. I sat tight until it was too dark to shoot, and headed back to the truck. Next weekend is the archery closer. I'll be here as early as I can make it on Friday afternoon, and hope for some luck. I'd sure like to take a deer on my first archery season. |
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